Annual Conference


International Macroeconomics, Money & Banking


May 2019

Thai Inflation Dynamics: A View from Disaggregated Price Data

This paper utilizes disaggregated prices at the micro level to examine the patterns of price adjustment in Thailand. Among the key stylized facts, we found that the frequency of price changes are generally low, prices decreases are common, the size of price changes are large relative to the inflation rate, and there is significant dispersion in price levels as well as in the synchronicity of price changes across regions. To better understand the underlying sources of heterogeneous price dynamics, we conduct dynamic factor analyses and highlight the importance of relative price changes in driving the bulk of overall CPI movements. This suggests an important role of non-monetary factors in driving inflation. A significant Phillips curve relation is detected once idiosyncratic price changes are filtered out, reinforcing the importance of disaggregated analysis of price trends in the conduct of monetary policy.
Keywords: Factor model, inflation, price rigidity, price setting, relative prices, Phillips curve
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