Senior Fellows/Fellows


Senior Fellows/Fellows

Machine Learning Approaches to Facial and Text Analysis: Discovering CEO Oral Communication Styles

The advent of machine learning (ML) tools presents researchers with the possibility of using large and new datasets related to text and image repositories. In this paper, we document how a novel synthesis of three methods—(1) unsupervised topic modeling of textual data to generate a new measure of “topic entropy,” (2) sentiment analysis of textual data, and (3) supervised ML coding of facial images with a cutting-edge convolutional neural network algorithm—can shed light on questions related to CEO oral communication. With videos and corresponding transcripts of interviews with emerging market CEOs, we employ this synthesis of methods to discover five distinct communication styles that incorporate both verbal and nonverbal aspects of communication. Our data is comprised of interviews that represent unedited expressions and content, making them especially suitable as data sources for the measurement of an individual’s communication style. We then perform a proof-of-concept analysis, correlating CEO communication styles to M&A outcomes, highlighting the value of combining text and videographic data to define styles. We also discuss the benefits of using our methods versus current research methods.
Keywords: machine learning, topic modeling, facial image recognition, CEO communication, topic entropy
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