Senior Fellows/Fellows


Senior Fellows/Fellows

Consistent with reduced expected corruption adding value overall, Chinese shares rise sharply on the December 4th 2012 launch of major anti-corruption reforms starting with curtailing extravagant spending by or for Party cadres. SOEs gain broadly, consistent with the reform cutting their top manager...
Keywords: Anti-Corruption, Marketization, Bribery Intensity, Firm Value
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Senior Fellows/Fellows


Senior Fellows/Fellows

Within countries, individual state-run banks’ lending correlates with prior money growth, while otherwise similar private-sector banks’ lending does not. Aggregate credit and investment growth correlate with prior money growth more strongly in economies whose banking systems are more fully state...
Keywords: ownership structure, loan growth, capital spending, monetary stimulus, banking
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Senior Fellows/Fellows


Senior Fellows/Fellows, 2017

We study how secular culture affects firm behavior when formal institutions fall short. We find that firms more exposed to alcohol-related sin culture exhibit more earnings management and lean their operations more toward local business partners. Tests using latitude and snow/temperature as instrume...
Keywords: Zhe Li (Renmin University of China), Massimo Massa (INSEAD), Nianhang Xu (Renmin University of China), Hong Zhang (Tsinghua University)
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Annual Conference


Investment Finance


May 2015

We construct a traded funding liquidity measure from stock returns. Guided by a model, we extract the measure as the return spread between two beta-neutral portfolios constructed using stocks with high and low margins, to control for their sensitivity to the aggregate funding shocks. Our measure of ...
Keywords: Funding liquidity, Leverage, Margin requirements
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Annual Conference




May 2015

In this paper we evaluate the quality of accounting reports for valuation purpose from a measurement error based perspective. This perspective views accounting assets and earnings noisy measurements of their underlying economic constructs, economic assets and economic income. We show that the useful...
Keywords: Accounting measurement, economic assets, economic income, accural accounting
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